Do you have these items in your Gym bag?

Do you have these items in your Gym bag?

Heading out for your gym? Did you pack all your essentials in the gym bag? It happens normally, that we visit the gym, do our workout but cannot find that one thing we are desperately looking for! It can be anything- whether it is your headphones or your favorite towel or even your gym shoes.

Here is a list of 8 essentials that your gym bag must have, no matter what kind of training you are involved in!

Workout Clothes

If you are not wearing your workout clothes to the gym, then make sure you have a fresh set of clothes to wear. It should be breathable and with a good-fitting T-shirt, pants and socks.

Water Bottle

Water is a gem for all us living creatures. Carry your own water when you are leaving for the gym. Repeating trips to the water dispenser can be a distraction.

Bluetooth Headphones

Music hurts no one. In fact, it helps in concentrating more on the activity, thus improving the performance of the individual. But, of course, you would not want to disturb others.

Workout Log

Keep a track of your workout to stay on track with your specific goal.


A towel is a must because you do not want to be looking all sweaty and sticky after a workout and wet after the post-shower session.

Hair Ties and Brush

Have long hair? Carry your choice of ties to keep them away from creating a fuss while working out.

Flip Flops or Shower Shoes

You need to have flip-flops or shower shoes when you hit the post-workout shower in the gym to clean yourself.

Deodorant and Face Wipes

Want to smell and look as good as you were while you entered the gym/ Then, make sure to carry the face wipes and deodorant!

Are you looking for a gym bag? Then, visit Benza Sports today to choose your favorites.